Automate your Xcode workflow / Dev tools with keyboard shortcuts


As developers, we start and switch a lot between common developer applications each day. You can buy some external hardware keyboards to achieve this, like for example with these USB Mini 3-Key Keypad, or the HUION Keydial, 9-Keys USB Mini Keypad, Programming Macro Pad. They work fine but you must always pack them in your bag when going to your workspace, but make sure before purchasing them, that they have macOS software drivers.

macOS Shortcuts

Personally I have the Huion, and use it for general Xcode keyboard shortcuts — like show / hide panes, delete current line, Run, Stop, etc, and to save keys I use macOS Shortcuts to launch applications like Xcode.

To achieve this do the following:

  1. open Shortcuts
  2. tap on the + in the title bar
  3. In the categories tab on the right, select Open App, and drag it on the canvas
  4. Click on App, to select Xcode
  5. Click on the info circle top right > Add keyboard shortcut > Control+Option+Command+x
  6. If you see on the canvas, Receive input from, deselect all
  7. Tap on the default name in the title: Open App, to change it to Open Xcode, and you can optionally assign an icon, but this is not really needed.
  8. Now comes the confusing part, there is no save, you just close this window with the red x
  9. Close Shortcuts
  10. Test by tapping Control+Option+Command+x

Other Dev tools

Now you can repeat this process for your most common developer tools like SourceTree, Interactful, Slack, enjoy!

Recover your old Pixelmator version in macOS Sonoma

I’m a long term Pixelmator user, it has supported me very well during the times I’ve been developing and needed some image trickery.

Until recent it would not start anymore — after I upgraded to macOS Sonoma 14.x. I found out that the product has been revamped to Pixelmator Pro now, but I didn’t want to pay the license again, I’ve one for my current version.

After some long searches in the inter webs fora, I found a reasonable solution.

  1. Open Terminal
  2. cd ~/Library/Containers
  3. rm -rf com.pixelmatorteam*

Now the app starts again at least, and it saved me another 60 Euros. I’ve still one issue with gradients, when I open the gradients tool, the app crashes, and I’ve to type the terminal commands again to get it booting again. But so far I can live with that. Somewhere along the way I need to purchase a new license I know, but until then I’m happy to have it back for basic image manipulation and icon creation.

MacOS Tips: Expand all in Finder

In the Finder when you are using List Views, when you open a folder, the content of the folder is collapsed by default. You have to manually click on each folder to expand its content as well.

There is a faster method of expanding all the underlaying folders in one click and that is with: Option-Click on the triangle.

Note this also works in other applications like XCode for example.

Default behaviour
Option-Click behaviour